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MailOnline promotes Danny Groom

Danny Groom has been appointed publisher and editor of MailOnline.

MailOnline promotes Danny Groom
Danny Groom

The announcement was made earlier this week by Paul Dacre, editor-in-chief of Associated Newspapers.

According to the dmg media website, Groom joined the Daily Mail in 1998 where he was associate news editor for five years. He moved across to The Observer after being appointed deputy news editor, before going on to become head of news at The Independent where he was also assistant editor. 2008 saw him return to dmg media as UK editor of MailOnline. He was instrumental in the launch of MailOnline’s US operation,, in 2010, taking on the role of US editor for three years in New York. He returned to resume his role as UK editor of MailOnline in 2013.

Following Martin Clarke’s departure in February this year, Groom was appointed acting global editor of MailOnline.

Dacre also announced that Gerard Greaves has been appointed editor-in-chief of

Both Danny Groom and Gerard Greaves will report to Ted Verity, editor of the Daily Mail.

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