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A mission for journalism in a time of crisis

Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief of Guardian News & Media, has given a speech on the past, present and future role of Guardian journalism and the role of the media in today’s world.

A mission for journalism in a time of crisis

In the speech, delivered in King’s Place, London on 16 November 2017, she outlined her mission as being “to lead a Guardian that responds to the world in a way that reflects our history, engages deeply with this disorientating global moment, and is sustainable forever.”

She set out an analysis of developments at the intersection of media, technology and society, including:

* the risks posed to public life and the public interest by technology giants;

* the threats presented to journalism by the current economics of the internet;

* how the Guardian is embracing a reader-led approach; and

* the rising threats to progressive values and press freedom across the world.

She also explained the principles that will drive Guardian journalism under her editorship.

The full speech can be viewed here.