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Mirabel releases The Magazine Manager 2013

The Magazine Manager, the web-based magazine management system developed by Mirabel Technologies, has introduced its 2013 release.

Mirabel Technologies says: The popular software designed specifically for magazine publishers integrates critical sales CRM, ad order entry, production, and invoicing functions onto one platform in an intuitive, customizable environment.  

What's New With This 2013 Release?

The Magazine Manager 2013 is the first software solution in the world to integrate CRM, ad order entry, billing, and pagination and digital edition creation into one streamlined magazine workflow. 

Publishers utilize Mirabel’s Digital Studio 3.0 to paginate their magazines and then create and publish digital magazines to the iPad tablet in an HTML5 version, allowing readers to view their magazines online using desktops, laptops, or the iPad. The pagination system fosters a collaborative effort within the publishing company where sales and management teams view the magazine as it is created.  Sales reps have access to ad material, and production managers have a suite of online pagination tools that reduce pagination time.

The new release includes extensive enhancements to Digital Studio's own Magazine Central Newsstand app as well as the iPad Branded App on the Apple Newsstand, both options for publishing magazines to the iPad. The 3.0 release also populates pagination data into key reports within The Magazine Manager.

The Magazine Manager 2013 also includes a new framework of dashboard widgets for customization of client dashboards, a new suite of new management reports, and enhanced mailing list creation tools.