With over 3,000 subscribers before the second issue even hit the newsstand, the fresh, innovative lifestyle title has struck a chord with readers across the UK and beyond, claims Future.
Subscriptions have been driven primarily by online channels such as the Mollie Makes blog www.molliemakes.co.uk and Future subscription site My Favourite Magazines. The subscriber figures reflect the dedication of a young generation of crafters – and the online community of bloggers, with people as far away as Australia signing up for the monthly publication.
With the appeal of craft reaching across all ages, and with around two fifths of British females now enjoying a craft-based hobby, says the company, Mollie Makes appeals to a growing market of affluent, young crafternooners.
Issue 2 of Mollie Makes is out now and features a raft of projects including crochet blankets and strawberry pincushions, articles and features to appeal to everyone from the ‘iPhone generation’ to more traditional enthusiasts looking for fresh inspiration.
Kerry Lawrence, Craft Group Publisher, says: “We have been thrilled with the overwhelmingly positive response we’ve had to the launch of Mollie Makes. The feedback, especially via social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook, has been extremely positive and this is reflected by the high number of subscribers that have already signed up. We now plan to build on this success and break even more records!”
A Mollie Makes animated video is now available on YouTube, which has already been viewed over 6,000 times. The online community can watch our mystery Mollie crafting in a unique clip which really brings the projects to life!
Issue 2 of Mollie Makes is on sale now priced at £4.99.