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More awards for Guardian journalists

Guardian journalists have picked up two more awards, at the Data Journalism Awards, and also at the British Science Writers Awards.

The Guardian US team have been awarded the data-driven storytelling prize for big media, for its interactive on "gay rights in the US, state-by-state" at this year's Data Journalism Awards.

Their interactive piece allows the user to examine the rights of gay individuals in each state of the US in relation to marriage, hospital visitation, adoption, employment, housing, hate crimes and schools.

The Data Journalism Awards, run during the Global Editors Network, announced seven winners in total, across eight separate prizes.

This is the second year the awards have been run.

Guardian science correspondent Ian Sample has won the prize for best news story at the Association of British Science Writers annual awards. The ABSW's awards aim to reward excellence in science journalism and is judged by a panel of highly credible and respected judges.

Ian won the award for his piece on 5 July last year on the announcement that scientists at Cern, the particle physics lab near Geneva, had found overwhelming evidence for the long-sought Higgs boson, nicknamed the "God particle".

Sample won praise from the judges for explaining the difficult science of the discovery in a critical but accessible way.