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Mpora launch brand new Syndicated Player

Factory Media have created a new syndicated player for its action sports brand Mpora, which will enable brands, websites, blogs or shops to showcase the best videos to their users.

Factory Media says: the syndicated player features:

Latest featured videos - Our editorial team will hand-pick and feature the best content every day

Create sport channels - Your player could have videos from one sport, many sports or all sport

Define videos by tag - Want to show off videos based on a tag? That’s possible too

Only show your video - Promote the videos you upload to Mpora and nothing else

Mobile compatible - Our new player is so friendly to the world of the internet it’ll even work on a smart phone

Set your own dimensions - If you need the player to fit in a specific place, you can create it to suit your needs

Use your colour scheme - If you need the player to fit in with the colour scheme of your site, that’s something you’ll be able to control

Fully HD - If people upload them in HD, you get them in HD

To see these features in more detail or to create your own syndicated player click here.