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New online magazine: Deco

Deco, a new website for green interiors, went live this month.

The publishers say: Take a look. Deco is the exciting, super-useful, informative new online interiors magazine for everyone who wants their home to look great...and be greener

We might not all be treehuggers, but plenty of us are giving more thought to the environment and we’re open to doing our bit to protect it.

Deco online is a new one-stop shop of a magazine for everyone who loves their home and wants their interior design and decoration to be as eco friendly as possible.

Read Deco to find out about the latest product launches, and who’s doing what; read interviews with designers who have the environment at the top of their agenda, and get lots of useful advice; interact with other readers on the Deco message boards.

Deco looks at recycling, upcycling and salvage, and at energy-saving appliances. The perennial topics of flooring, work surfaces, kitchens and bathrooms will get plenty of airtime. Learn what materials to avoid and what to look out for. Enjoy case studies, keep up to date with shows and exhibitions, and take advantage of great offers.

So if you’re doing a loft conversion, refurbishing your kitchen or bathroom, or just want some new accessories to brighten up a room, Deco has all the eco options.

Deco is fun and worthwhile without being worthy, preachy or full of heavy-duty science. And at Deco we cut through the greenwash.

Deco editor Abby Trow says a magazine like this is long overdue: “Lots of the interiors glossies have the odd page on eco design, but it’s fairly superficial and easily missed. With Deco, you’ve got it all in one place and as the archive issues build up, it will become a useful resource to turn to time and again.”