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Newsagents Fury at Vodafone Cover Wraps

Independent newsagents erupted in fury, says the NFRN, on Friday morning when copies of the Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent and i came complete with full cover wrap advertisements promoting Vodafone.

This comes, says the NFRN, just weeks after the telecoms giant had slashed retail margins to a “derisory” 1 per cent.

The NFRN statement continues, with the red wrap around acting like a red rag to a bull and in spontaneous action up and down the country, disgusted newsagents tore off these cover wraps in protest at being expected to advertise a company who, through regular margin cuts, has removed hundreds of thousands of pounds from their tills.

The National President of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, Alan Smith (pictured), said: “It’s bad enough for independent newsagents to be used as an advertising medium for a company that just weeks ago stabbed us all in the back by cutting margins to an outrageous 1 per cent, but for three newspapers to disguise themselves in a wrap-around is lunacy in the first degree.

“Most newspaper purchasing first thing in the morning is a quick in and out dash as time-strapped people are on their way to work.  People want to be able to find what they want quickly, not play “hunt the paper” amongst a selection of look-alike clones.

“This is a clear case of greed before common-sense since no-one in their right mind would put their product inside an identical wrap around advertisement on the same day as their competitors.  Publishers, if you are going to have a wrap-around please tell your advertisers not to put their wraps around more than one title on the same day.  And if you want your advertiser’s product to actually reach your readers, you might want to think a bit more carefully about who you get into bed with!  Retailers have feelings too and they are not prepared to be used to advertise a company hell bent on threatening their survival.

“With margins on e-top ups eroded from 13.5 per cent, it is not surprising that many newsagents no longer offer this service in their stores,” Mr Smith concluded.