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NewstrAid celebrates Dickens’s 200th birthday

On Wednesday 18th January, Lord Rothermere, Chairman of The Daily Mail and General Trust and Patron of the NewstrAid Benevolent Fund, hosted a reception for the leading lights of the newspaper and magazine industry, to celebrate the anniversary of Charles Dickens’s birth.

Charles Dickens was born 200 years ago next month. His influence during the formative years of the NewstrAid Benevolent Fund, as president from 1854 to 1870, ensured an enduring foundation and a charity which now supports over a thousand beneficiaries.

The charity was established in 1839 to look after the newspaper street sellers, when they had to give up work through age or infirmity and had nothing to live on. The old cockneys, although grateful, could not remember the name of their benefactor – The Newsvendors and Provident Benevolent Institution – so referred to the charity as “Old Ben”. This nickname endures to this day. Dickens understood the plight of the “newsman” and was passionate about helping those who brought the news to the masses, when they fell on hard times.

63% of all NewstrAid’s welfare expenditure goes to the independents and their families.  They are massively important to holding communities together, took a hiding in the recent riots, but many feel that no-one cares about them in the long-term. 

The charity has seen a significant increase in requests for support recently. 2011 saw a 14% rise in applications for help – almost all of them families from the independent retail sector. This has been exacerbated by government spending cuts, increases in living costs and a weak economy. We expect this to accelerate.

The newspaper and magazine industry today is changing so rapidly, but the core of the business remains with the printed word, says NewstrAid. Companies are still reliant on circulation sales  and Lord Rothermere urged guests to keep protecting those, who are out from early morning to late at night, especially when things go wrong.

Those attending the event also heard about the work of the charity and the link between Charles Dickens and Old Ben. Sly Bailey, CEO of Trinity Mirror plc and President of NewstrAid, introduced the speakers and excerpts from a speech, delivered by Charles Dickens to the annual dinner of the charity in 1862, were recited by the celebrated actor, Edward Fox.