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NFRN critical of Sun pricing

The NFRN, which represents nearly 30 per cent of newspapers sales, has hit out at News International for cutting the price of its Saturday newspaper to subsidise its new Sunday launch.

The NFRN says: “Initially the new Sunday edition was being welcomed by independent newsagents who saw it as a chance to rebuild sales following the huge damage done by the closure of the News of the World.

However, this quickly moved to dismay when News International announced the price and terms for its Sunday version, coupled with a price cut for the Saturday newspaper.

While the new Sunday paper will cost 50p and have a retail margin of 22 per cent, the Saturday edition drops from 60p to 50p with the pence per copy margin slashed from 13p to 11p.

NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell said: “We were looking forward to the Sunday edition of the Sun lighting up sales and kick starting a dwindling market but this is an object lesson in how to ruin a very positive initiative. By penny pinching, News International has left a sour taste in NFRN members’ mouths.””