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NFRN to appoint Chief Executive

The NFRN is to recruit a chief executive as part of its plans to continue the progress of the organisation.

The decision was taken at the organisation’s National Council meeting in London last week.

National President Parminder Singh (pictured) said: “The appointment of a chief executive will help us build on the NFRN’s achievements and shape the next stage of our development. The organisation faces both challenges and opportunities and we believe the time is now right to further strengthen our management team.

“The new chief executive will work closely with our existing managers and with the National Executive Committee and National Council, to ensure the Federation continues to provide a unique and developing package of support and practical help for our independent news and convenience retailer members and maintains our role as a leader in our industry.”

It is hoped that the new chief executive will be in place later this summer. A recruitment company will be appointed to assist with the process shortly.