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Nobel Laureate interview offered for Press Freedom Day

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has just added an interview with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman to the package of editorial and advertising materials it is offering to media worldwide to commemorate World Press Freedom Day on 3 May.

“We need to achieve full press freedom, not a fragmented version,” says Ms Karman, a 32-year-old Yemeni journalist and activist famed for her participation in the Arab Spring.

The interview, available to publish free-of-charge in six languages 3 May, is one of the highlights from a selection of editorials and exclusive materials offered to newspapers and online media to assist them in commemorating World Press Freedom Day.

The full package (embargoed for publication on 3 May) can be downloaded from

Among the other contributors are Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández, WAN-IFRA’s 2012 Golden Pen of Freedom laureate; Erik Bjerager, President of the World Editors Forum and Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director of the Danish national daily Kristeligt Dagblad; Alain Gresh, Deputy Director of Le Monde Diplomatique; South African anti-apartheid lawyer George Bizos; Tunisian journalist and activist Fahem Boukadous; Pakistani investigative reporter Umar Cheema; Egyptian blogger Mahmoud Salem (aka Sandmonkey); Anette Novak, former Editor in Chief of Norran in Sweden and Board Member of the World Editors Forum; and an essay from the World Justice Project.

WAN-IFRA is also providing a range of photographs from Agence France-Presse highlighting freedom of expression issues, exclusive cartoons from Michel Cambon, Zapiro and Ali Ferzat, info-graphics detailing the dangers of exercising the profession of journalism, and resources to help young readers engage in the issues relating to a free press. A selection of ready-to-print public service advertisements is also available to download.