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NUJ: Newsquest announces Newport redundancies

Newsquest has turned Scroogequest at Christmas, says the NUJ, by announcing redundancies at its Subbing Hub in Newport.

As reported by the National Union of Journalists:

But the NUJ will be querying whether the stated timetable complies with the law.

On Tuesday 29 November, Newsquest announced that 26 out of 39 jobs at the Hub would disappear, with the collective consultation due to end on Thursday 29 December.

By treating the date of the announcement as the first day of the consultation, and by running the consultation through the Christmas holiday period, Newsquest risks operating an unfair procedure.

If Newsquest sticks to this schedule, the dismissals could potentially be unfair on an individual basis. In addition, there could be the possibility of a protective award if the company is found to have failed to consult properly.

John Toner, NUJ national organiser for Wales, said: "Newsquest should have an immediate re-think about its plans and come up with an acceptable schedule. Being made redundant is a terrible experience at any time of the year, but it is especially heartless when you are compelled to endure a redundancy consultation during the Christmas period.

"The NUJ will ensure its members are fully supported throughout this process."