Mobile navigation


Ozymandias goes live – and goes ‘mobile first!’

The fresh new US media site, backed by Silicon Valley royalty including Laurene Powell-Jobs, Google’s David Drummond and legendary start-up ‘super angel' Ron Conway (an early investor in Google and Paypal amongst many others), has finally launched!

Abacus e-Media says: Carlos Watson’s vision of an immersive digital media channel for the ‘new and the next generation’ is born.

Abacus e-Media are hugely proud of this achievement, given the high-roller stakes involved and the highly demanding project timelines and day-to-day project management constraints (UK to West Coast via Canada!). The website is truly ‘mobile first’ and demonstrates a totally different design approach to consuming news stories. Try it on your smart phone, iPad (or Android tablet) and desktop to experience the difference.

The solution is powered by Abacus e-Media’s Webvision CMS and custom responsive templates which respond and adapt to the devices accessing them. On mobile, the user gets an immersive linearized read which makes it easy to swipe through the sections and stories of the latest content. On tablet, the user gets an eclectic mix of scrolling, swiping and touch sensitive navigation, that feels like a ‘lean-back’ native app – yet all of this technology is delivered via the browser using HTML5, javascript and media queries. On desktop, the user is presented with bold beautiful imagery to compliment the short sharp headlines, with daily content including The Presidential Daily Brief, C-Note, Rising Stars and Good Sh*t. Look out for some A-list contributors in the weeks to come…