Mr Chambers said he had decided to move to a position much closer to his home town of Peterborough, adding that the four hour daily commute to the NFRN’s London head office was the driving force behind his decision to leave.
Announcing his departure this week, Paul said: “It’s sad to leave such a committed and loyal staff who support the NFRN membership as they do, but I go having finally seen the new database into place, which will support the work they all do and so improve the administrative and communication efficiencies overall.
And he continued: “I was pleased to have the chance to work alongside so many committed and passionate independent retailers and wish them and the Federation every success going forward."
NFRN National President Parminder Singh said: “The NFRN is certainly a better place for having had Paul’s services as General Manager, with all his news industry and management experience. The National Executive Committee, along with the Trustees and National Finance Committee plus, of course, all the 75 staff wish him well in his new role and his future.”
Suleman Khonat, Immediate Past President, added: “Paul’s contribution was invaluable to me in many of the successes I experienced in my Presidential year in 2009/2010. I have every respect for the hard work and commitment he has given to the NFRN during his time here.”
Sam Whiteside, Chair of the News Operations Committee with whom Paul has worked very closely over the past six months following changes to the news and magazines department, said: “We are very sorry to see Paul leave as he has been a great support to the news operations team and strengthened the links we have with publishers and wholesalers alike.”