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PCC publishes latest complainant survey results

The Press Complaints Commission has published the figures of its complainant satisfaction surveys for the period July to September 2011.

The results reveal that:

• 74% of those who responded said that their complaint had been dealt with by the PCC either very well, well or satisfactorily;

• 84% of people who expressed an opinion said our staff were either very helpful, helpful or satisfactory;

• 84% of respondents said that they had been kept informed about the progress of their complaint either very well, well or satisfactorily by our staff;

• 70% of people who responded to the survey felt that overall their complaints had been handled very well, well or satisfactorily.

To see the survey results, please click here.

Stephen Abell (pictured), Director of the PCC, commented: "We are pleased that the complaints work of the PCC is largely appreciated by those who come to us. More can always be done to improve the service.  As the PCC now commits itself to fundamental reform of the self-regulatory system, we also need to ensure that the business of meeting individuals' complaints continues to be done well.

The PCC has surveyed those who use its services since 2002. The publication of these results is a performance objective of the PCC to which it has publicly committed. For more information about this, please click here - see page 5, paragraph 6.