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Portsmouth News launches new journalist training programme

The News at Portsmouth is launching what it claims is the first venture of its kind in the UK - to train journalism students within its newsroom.

The paper has partnered with Highbury College to find the brightest young reporters of tomorrow and train them full-time in a newsroom classroom in The News’ new offices at 1000 Lakeside.

Recruitment is now under way for trainee journalists aged under 19 to be the first students on the year-long course in September. It will combine the best teaching from Highbury College’s journalism centre with real, hands-on reporting on The News.

Editor Mark Waldron said: “I am so excited by the launch of this new venture and the opportunity it will provide for the journalists of tomorrow.

“Growing up as a wannabe reporter in Cowplain I was lucky enough to carry out work experience at The News and then be trained at Highbury. So combining the best of both worlds – quality training and real, work-based learning within our newsroom – is a fantastic prospect.”

The project is being supported by the National Council for the Training of Journalists. The courses and examinations accredited by the NCTJ are recognised industry-wide and ensures aspiring journalists have the skills necessary to find their first job and progress in their chosen media field, whichever direction this takes them.

NCTJ chief executive Joanne Butcher said: “The NCTJ is pleased to be supporting this innovative journalism training partnership between The News in Portsmouth and Highbury College. I’m sure the trainees will benefit from the quality NCTJ-accredited training Highbury is renowned for, combined with learning on-the-job at The News.”