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PPA welcomes government data initiative

The PPA’s Business Media Group has welcomed the Government’s decision to combine Companies House, Ordnance Survey, Met Office and HM Land Registry into a Public Data Group (PDG).

The PPA says: In January 2011, Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude and Business Minister Edward Davey outlined plans for a new Public Data Corporation (PDC). The PPA was delighted to be given the opportunity to respond to the Government’s August 2011 consultation, as we supported the Government’s decision to reconsider the methods it uses to provide access to Public Sector Information (PSI) as well as the commercial benefits that such a move could bring the publishing industry.

The welcome outcome, (which saw the corporation formed as the PDG rather than the PDC) also led to the creation of a Data Strategy Board (DSB) – tasked with maximising the value of data from the Public Data Group to deliver economic growth. It will prioritise the delivery of Open Data from the Public Data Group, and work to ensure that access to data for all users is made easier and that access to free data increases over time.

We are also encouraged by the reaction to this policy across Europe, with Brussels now showing a stronger appreciation for the social and economic benefits of Open Data, which some analysts have estimated to be as much as €40bn.

The release of government datasets is a real catalyst for innovation and economic growth, and the PPA is delighted to see its member publishers being granted the opportunity to create new and exciting data products.