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Press submits their Royal Charter to Privy Council

The newspaper and magazine industry’s proposed Royal Charter for independent self regulation of the press has been formally submitted to the Privy Council Office.

According to the Newspaper Society: The document submitted by the four newspaper and magazine trade associations was published by the industry on April 25th. Since then there has been one small amendment to include in the recognition criteria the provision by the new independent regulator of a whistle-blowers’ hotline.

It is understood that the proposed Royal Charter agreed between the political parties and lobby group Hacked Off on March 18th has yet to be submitted.

The press’s proposed Royal Charter has been backed by a number of senior MPs and Peers, and has the support of the overwhelming majority of the country’s national, regional and local newspapers and magazines. According to an opinion poll published yesterday, it also has the clear backing of the public.

It is understood that the next meeting of the Privy Council is due to take place on May 15th.