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Printing Summit Focuses on Enhancing Print Advertising Value

WAN-IFRA's 3rd annual Printing Summit, to be held in Berlin, in March, will provide publishers and printers with fresh insight into the best uses of the latest technologies, and will also explore how creativity in print advertising can maximize revenues.

The Printing Summit 2012, to be held on 21 and 22 March next at the NH Berlin Friedrichstraße Hotel, will present success stories from leading printing plants and publishers worldwide on innovative print campaigns, green production, staff motivation, innovations in printing, increasing circulation, and more.

Conference participants will also visit the Axel Springer printing plant in Berlin-Spandau, one of the largest printing plants in the world.

Full details can be found here.

Speakers include:

• Rainer Esser, Managing Director of Die Zeit in Germany, which relies on printing innovation along with quality journalism and editorial diversity for sustainable success.

• Marius Fink, Head of Technical Coordination for COOP Presse in Switzerland, who will provide an overview of developments in mineral oil-free printing inks and their environmental value.

• Kasturi Balaji, Managing Director, Kasturi & Sons, the publisher of The Hindu, who will present a case study of “Japanese style” inline colour control in India, a system of full-page scanning that is said to be more efficient than the “movable camera” system used widely in the West.

• Alexis Lozano Medina, Director of Editorial Prensa Canaria and a Professor at the University of Las Palmas in Spain, who will share the results of a recently conducted study on the environmental impact of coldset versus inkjet in newspaper production.

• Assaf Avrahami, CEO of Yedioth Information Technology in Israel, who will examine a variety of technological advances to minimize waste and to improve logistics.

• Sally Pirri, Production Director of The Globe and Mail in Canada, which is a national newspaper printed on a variety of sites across the country. She will present some of the company’s unusual but effective methods to motivate staff of the contractors who print the newspaper.

• Caroline Little, President and CEO of the Newspaper Association of America, a keynote speaker, who will bring the audience up to date on the present state of the newspaper business in the United States.

• Maria Moroni, Communication and Press Manager of Assocarta in Italy, who is a great believer in the power of the printed product and will share her views on how to better market the effectiveness of print media.

• Sanat Hazra, Technical Director of Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd, the publisher of The Times of India, which created an enormous buzz last year when it planted talking computer chips into thousands of copies of newspapers for a Volkswagen advertising campaign. Mr Hazra will show that the creativity and ingenuity of the printed advertising does not stop there.

• Luis Alberto Alburquerque, Executive Director of the award-winning Rede Bahia in Brazil, which has collected numerous print advertising awards in a country where the print media continue to grow.

• Wim Maes, Technical Director of the Eco Print Center in Belgium, which prints De Morgen and was responsible for the much praised ‘green edition” issued during the Copenhagen environment summit.

• Plus much more (including a prize drawing for an iPad). The 2012 Printing Summit will offer simultaneous interpretation in German and English.