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Publishing Futures shows the changing face of magazines

The Publishing Futures 2013 benchmarking survey is well underway with almost 90 publishing companies having taken part so far.

According to Jim Bilton of Wessenden Marketing (pictured), the early indications are that the mood of the industry has taken on another change with business confidence rising above last year’s levels. Yet where publishers are generating their revenues from goes on altering and the pace of change continues to cause concerns and create new challenges especially in how the publishing organisation is structured.

Undertaken by PPA in partnership with InPublishing and Wessenden, this is the fourth year that the survey has been run. It provides a unique insight into current trends in the publishing business, and what lies ahead as we hurtle towards what will undoubtedly be an immensely eventful 2013.

Jim continues: “I would encourage all magazine and digital publishers to take part. (This particular research project does NOT include newspapers.) All responses are in complete confidence and all respondents will get free-of-charge access to the project results in the New Year. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete. To take part, please go to, but please participate soon as the survey will close in the next few days. Thank you for your time.”