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River launches Digi Dare app for Superdrug

River has announced the launch of a content rich magazine style App for Superdrug under the Dare masthead.

First of its kind in the health and beauty retail market, claims River, and published on the Kindmags platform, Digi Dare includes video content, social integration with Twitter and Facebook, exclusive Dare only advertising and a beautiful, but simple design template.

Digi Dare sits with its print sister in the heart of the Superdrug customer journey and has been created to enhance the reader experience by offering a content rich and customer friendly environment encouraging new shoppers into store and online with a value health and beauty proposition. Digi Dare can be downloaded from Apple Newstand, is circulated through Superdrug’s loyalty programme and is available in browser friendly format at The advantage of the Kindmags platform is the ability it gives us to publish once for consumption across multiple channels.

Head of Digital Natasha Jackson says: “We strive to find the best medium for our clients customers to interact with their content.  The new Digi Dare is a great example of this sitting as it does within an integrated content strategy and customer journey. We have created multi-platform content that allows different types of customers to interact with Dare content in a way that supports their needs – in print, mobile, web, email or via tablets and which supports the commercial objectives of Superdrug.”

Matt Walburn Customer and Marketing Director at Superdrug says: “We’re very excited to be first to market in this format and view Digi Dare as a real investment in customers. We want them to experience our product range in a whole new way, our research shows us that customers are using their smartphones and tablets more than ever, so Digi Dare will allow us to inspire customers and interact with them in a new accessible way.