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Scott Trust publishes 2021 governance review

The Scott Trust, sole shareholder of the Guardian Media Group, has published the governance review it announced back in April this year.

Scott Trust publishes 2021 governance review

The review clarifies the roles of the Scott Trust and Guardian Media Group boards, and concludes that the latter would benefit from more direct news media sector experience.

The review was overseen by Scott Trust chair Ola Jacob Sunde and led by Scott Trust member Russell Scott, with a working group comprising Scott Trust members Stuart Proffitt, Matthew Ryder and Vivian Schiller, and GMG board members Gail Rebuck and Coram Williams.

The Scott Trust also announced the chief executive of Guardian Media Group will lose their place on its board, while current Scott Trust members Emily Bell and Mary Ann Sieghart will join the GMG board with immediate effect.

Scott Trust chair Ole Jacob Sunde said: "This review set out to look at the massive changes in the media sector and the Guardian’s business model in the past 20 years. We have clarified our governance structure and I feel confident we are now better positioned to support the Guardian’s purpose and mission, editorially and commercially, as it looks to the future.

“The news media sector remains as unpredictable as it has been in the past 20 years. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of our management team and our staff, the Guardian is in a stronger position than we have been for some time - with highly impactful journalism, sustainable finances, and one million recurring digital supporters who believe in our purpose. We therefore feel highly optimistic about the Guardian’s vital role in the world and our opportunity to succeed as a digital, global news organisation."

The review’s key findings can be found here.

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