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Sir David Bell to give annual Stationers’ lecture

Sir David Bell, former chairman of the FT, is to give the annual lecture at the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers.

The lecture is entitled ‘Why newspapers still matter’ and will be held on Monday 18 March at Stationers’ Hall.

The evening will start with a drinks reception at 6.00 pm and the Lecture will start at 6.30 pm.

At 7.30 pm there will be drinks and canapés and this will be followed by a Dinner.

Prices are as follows (booking deadline: Monday, 4 March)

Lecture & dinner £95

Lecture only £40

More information can be found here.

The lecture will be chaired by Peter Day.

About Sir David Bell

According to the Stationers’ Company: Sir David Bell (pictured) is a Non-Executive Director of the Economist, having retired in 2009 as Chairman of the Financial Times and from the board of Pearson plc after thirteen years as a Director. He is also a Liveryman of the Stationers’ Company. As a very senior and long-standing executive in the newspaper industry and, in particular, as an Assessor on the Leveson Inquiry, Sir David has a wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom when it come to the future of this vitally important industry.

Sir David was educated at Cambridge University and the University of Pennsylvania, is married with three children, lives in Islington and received his knighthood for services to industry, the arts and charity.

David is Chairman of a number of important organisations in the world of the arts, the media and education, a Trustee of many others, including the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Common Purpose UK, and a member of the Honorary Council of the Royal National Theatre. He was Chairman of the Millennium Bridge Trust from 1995 to 2002, responsible for conceiving the first new bridge across Thames in the centre of London for 100 years.

About Peter Day

According to the Stationers’ Company: Peter Day is Business Correspondent for BBC News. He joined BBC Radio News in 1974, and has been a BBC business correspondent since 1990. In 1988, he became the presenter for the Radio 4 Programme IN BUSINESS – described by The Times as “the best business-related programme on either television or radio”.

Peter has won the Harold Wincott award for broadcast business journalism three times and in 2005 he was given a lifetime achievement award by the Work foundation.

In 2009 he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Business Administration by the University of Lincoln.