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SoE to seek assurances

The Society of Editors says it is to seek press freedom assurances as PM calls snap general election.

SoE to seek assurances
Dawn Alford: "The Society will be writing to the leaders of all the UK political parties asking what their plans are for supporting and promoting a sustainable future for the UK news industry and press freedom more widely.”

The Society of Editors (SoE) says it will be writing to the leaders of all the major political parties seeking assurances that support for the UK news industry and press freedom more widely, will form part of their manifesto pledges as the UK heads to the polls on 4 July 2024.

Announced by the Prime Minister in a press conference outside 10 Downing Street on Wednesday afternoon, Sunak confirmed that Parliament will be dissolved on Thursday 30 May.

Responding to the announcement, Dawn Alford, executive director of the Society said: "Now that a date for the General Election has been confirmed, the Society will be writing to the leaders of all the UK political parties asking what their plans are for supporting and promoting a sustainable future for the UK news industry and press freedom more widely.

"In addition we will, once again, be urging all parties to ensure that all communication with the electorate on behalf of its candidates is open and transparent and, with this in mind, the format of a local newspaper or magazine should not be used. Parties would be better placed to direct the public to the work of the actual local media as an independent and trusted source of news and information during the upcoming election period."

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