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Stationers’ Company sets up Environmental Group

Green issues have gone top of the agenda at the Stationers’ Company. It has created an Environmental Group under the chairmanship of Mike Hancock with the focus on promoting awareness and understanding of environmental and sustainability issues.

One of the first actions of the Group is to host a symposium entitled How clean and sustainable is your supply chain? This will look at a number of sustainability issues and the implications of new EU legislation relating to timber and its derivative products coming into force in March 2013.

The event takes place at 6pm on Monday, 12 November at Stationers’ Hall. It will be chaired by Francis Sullivan, Deputy Head of Group Corporate Sustainability and Advisor on the Environment for HSBC Holdings plc. Speakers include:

Mark Thompson, Director, Sustainability, Price Waterhouse Cooper

Jane Bickerstaff, Director, INCPEN (The Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment)

Fiona Wheatley, Sustainable Development Manager, Marks & Spencer

Jamie Overland, Category Director – Print, Banner Managed Communications

Tickets, priced £40, can be booked at or for more information contact Giles Fagan, Deputy Clerk, on 020 7246 0988.

Kevin Dewey, Master of the Stationers’ Company says: “Traders will need to know the provenance of timber and timber products, including paper and pulp, from March. This will have a major impact on many of the industries that make up the Stationers’ Company, including paper, publishing and office products. It is this type of relevant topic, addressed by respected heavyweight speakers that the Environmental Group has been set up to organise.”

It will go further. The Group’s plans include, from 2013, an annual Schools’ Lecture with an associated interactive industry exhibition for 13 to 16 year old students.

Mr Dewey continues: “One important aim of the Schools’ Lecture will be to demonstrate how our industries are taking steps to make themselves sustainable, thereby providing attractive career prospects.”

The Environment Group also plans to extend the Stationers’ Foundation bursary scheme, already very successful in the fields of publishing, journalism, packaging, etc to include courses covering environmental and sustainability topics pertinent to the content and communications industries.

About The Stationers’ Company

The Stationers’ Company says: “The Stationers' Company is the City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content industries. The Company’s mission is to be recognised as the most effective independent forum in the UK Communications and Content industries, actively contributing to the strategic development, success and education of these industries. The majority of our members work in or supply the paper, print, publishing, packaging, office products, newspaper, broadcasting and online media industries.”