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Support to Independent Media in Developing Countries

Denmark has announced the allocation of 14 million Danish Kroner (1.9 million Euros) to launch an initiative to be carried out together with the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers to support the development of free and independent media in developing countries and fragile states.

The allocation, announced yesterday in connection with the Global Media Freedom Conference in Copenhagen, is dedicated to initiatives that focus on capacity development of independent media, including the improvement of security for journalists.

"It is very concerning that the freedom of the press is under pressure in many parts of the world. A free and critical press is crucial to give insight into the decisions of those in power and thereby to hold them responsible. In the context of development, press freedom is a prerequisite to encourage democracy and good governance," said Mogen Jensen, the Danish Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation.

More than 100 editors and journalists from all over the world were gathered in Copenhagen for the Global Media Freedom Conference, organized by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and WAN-IFRA.

With the new allocation, WAN-IFRA will provide support and training to more than 60 media from 12 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Among other things, the project will focus on digital development, professional training for women editors and executives, as well as better legislative protection of media.

"Denmark is known for its commitment to freedom of the press as an essential condition of good governance, democracy and development, and this new partnership will deeply enhance media development and press freedom initiatives where they are most needed," said Larry Kilman, Secretary General of WAN-IFRA. "This is support on a large scale that will help us strengthen independent news media around the world."

Denmark also announced it would make an allocation to International Media Support, in cooperation with global associations like the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), to create a global forum for development and exchange of best practices in relation to the security and protection of journalists.

For more on WAN-IFRA media development activities, click here.