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The Mail launches Mail Trail game

The Mail have launched the Mail Trail online game to increase awareness of Mail Connected’s research study ‘The power of Mail newspapers as digital activators’.

The research, which was released last year, consists of a large scale qualitative study exploring how exposure to advertising in The Daily Mail or The Mail on Sunday influences the way readers search online.

From the study, The Mail concluded that its newspapers are considered a valued and trusted advertising environment by its readers, characterised as ‘a walled garden’. In contrast the online world is seen as overwhelming and endless, where treasures can be found but users are in need of a guide, an environment dubbed ‘the wild west’.

Playing on this concept, the recently launched cowboy themed ‘Mail Trail’ game shows readers how advertising in The Mail help readers navigate the W.W.W (Wild Wild West).

Prizes are at stake, with all players who log their score on the leader board automatically entered into a weekly draw to receive £100 worth of vouchers, and the top player by the end of August winning £2,000 worth of holiday vouchers.

You can play the game here, and find out more about the research here.