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Trinity Mirror announces digital content innovation team

Trinity Mirror yesterday announced the creation of a new team tasked with driving digital content innovation across its regional newsrooms.

The team will be headed by Alison Gow, who is leaving her role as editor of the North Wales Daily Post to become Editor, digital content innovation. She will combine the role with that of deputy digital publishing director for Trinity’s regional brands, which include the Liverpool Echo, Manchester Evening News and Western Mail.

The team, which will include three digital content innovators to be based in the company’s regional newsrooms, will work with local editors and digital editors to create new and exciting ways of telling stories and sharing information.

Trinity’s regional newsrooms have a strong track record in breaking new ground online, says the company, having been the first regional publisher to live blog, and regularly praised for innovative use of social media platforms including Twitter and Flickr.

Alison said: "One of the joys of the digital revolution is that it gives journalists so many opportunities to reach new audiences, and tell stories in myriad ways.

"I'm excited to work with other editors to make our newsrooms places where innovation and editorial excellence run hand in hand."

David Higgerson, digital publishing director at Trinity Mirror, said: “I’m delighted Alison has agreed to take on this role.

“Our digital platforms are already experiencing unprecedented growth, and winning awards and plaudits regularly. In Alison, we have the best possible person to ensure we innovate with content to find many more ways of keeping audiences engaged with our content online.”

Alison will begin recruitment to three digital innovator roles in the new year.