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Trinity Mirror launches news aggregation app

Trinity Mirror has launched a mobile news aggregation app, giving users access to different sides of the same story.

Perspecs’ presents three sides to a news story, allowing users to switch between different news sources presenting differing views - for example the neutral, left and right wing political perspective of the same story, or a home, away or neutral report on a football result.

The app – available on iOS and Android - uses sources from across the world, from titles such as CNN, GQ and the New York Times. It’s been designed and built in-house by Trinity Mirror’s Product team.

Darren Sher, Head of Product for Trinity Mirror Regionals, Apps & Email, has been the lead on the project. "There’s a growing trend of people questioning their news sources,” said Darren, “the aim with Perspecs is to offer readers the opportunity to make up their own mind about a story rather than relying on a single source of news.

“The app also helps users discover new publications they may not have previously considered reading or known about."

“Perspecs has been developed in-house from idea to prototype to a beta-launch. Innovation is very much encouraged alongside the day-to-day work we do improving our digital products.”

A prototype of the app won a ‘Surprise Us’ Award at the BBC’s #newsHACK day last year. Perspecs is available in beta on iOS and Android. The app also has an informational website available here.

Trinity Mirror’s Digital Product team recently rolled out 27 new iOS and Android apps across the publisher’s national and regional titles, with enhanced design, usability and commercial performance, say the publishers.