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Trinity Mirror news app wins six-figure backing from Google

Trinity Mirror’s Perspecs news app has been awarded a six-figure sum of funding from the Google Digital News Initiative (DNI), one of only two large projects in the UK to have won investment.

The DNI is a collaboration between Google and news publishers in Europe to support high quality journalism and encourage a more sustainable news ecosystem through technology and innovation, says Trinity Mirror. It will provide €150 million of funding to winners ranging from large companies to small start-ups.

Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai announced 128 projects from across Europe have been awarded a share of €27m DNI funding, during a keynote speech in Paris last week. Perspecs was one of just 33 large projects across the continent to win its share of investment, and one of only two in the UK.

Launched in beta earlier this month, Perspecs presents three sides to a news story, allowing users to switch between different news sources presenting differing views - for example the neutral, left and right wing political perspective of the same story.

Designed and built in-house by Trinity Mirror’s Product team, Perspecs uses news sources from across the world, from titles such as CNN, GQ and the New York Times.

Darren Sher from Trinity Mirror’s Digital Product team has lead on the project. He said: “The funding and recognition from Google is a huge boost for Perspecs. It opens up a number of opportunities to help us build our audience and further develop the infrastructure and reach of the app.

“Currently the app is in beta, so the funding also enables us to focus on building a more stable, scalable and feature rich product.

“The DNI is about supporting innovative digital journalism which sparks new thinking, so we’re really pleased to be recognised in that bracket.”

Perspecs is available on iOS and Android.