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Trinity Mirror reveals UK’s most relevant consumer brand

Trinity Mirror has found retailer B&M to be the most relevant brand in the UK, coming out on top of its inaugural Brand Relevance Index.

Trinity Mirror reveals UK’s most relevant consumer brand

Based on a survey of 2,000 UK consumers, the Trinity Mirror Brand Relevance Index ranks 170 leading consumer brands on their relevance to consumers.

According to Trinity Mirror, each brands relevance score is calculated by a brands ability to connect with consumers across the country, and not just those inside the ‘London bubble’. The research found that 134 of the brands have a negative relevance score, meaning they are struggling to connect with consumers outside of London.

Trinity Mirror says that its own research has revealed a shift in the nation’s mindset, with local identity becoming more important and people increasingly feeling left out by brands that don’t reflect life in their area.

Top 10 Brands and Score

1. B&M +31

2. Co-Op +20

3. Aldi +18

4. Matalan +15

5. Screwfix +14

6. Asda +13

7. Dunelm +12

8. Wilko +11

9. RAC +11

10. Lloyds Pharmacy +9

B&M are leading the way, but there are worrying signs for the wider industry, says Trinity Mirror. People outside London are 22% more likely to say brands don’t understand people in their local area, 18% more likely to say brands don’t aim its advertising at them, and 10% more likely to say brands are out of touch.

Andrew Tenzer, Head of Group Insight for Trinity Mirror, said; “With local identity becoming increasingly important for people in the UK, it's more important than ever for brands to tap into this mindset. Worryingly, many leading brands are not doing enough to be relevant to consumers outside London.

“It’s fantastic to see B&M finishing above brands which traditionally top polls such as these. Other brands need to rethink how they build relevance with consumers.”

How the relevance score works

The Relevance score is calculated on a number of metrics related to how well consumers perceive each brand to connect with people in their local area.

The score for the brand inside London is subtracted from the score outside London, to create the brands overall score of relevance.

• A score of zero implies the brand is connecting just as well with people outside London as those inside London

• A positive score implies the brand is connecting more with people outside London than inside London

• A negative score implies the brand is connecting more with people inside London than outside London