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Two Sides launches in Australia

The global reach of Two Sides has been widened after the recent launch of the campaign in Australia and this follows on from the start-up of Two Sides in the United States in July last year.

The presence of Two Sides in these important markets is an important strategic step in building on the positive impact that the campaign is already achieving in Europe, claims Two Sides.

Martyn Eustace (pictured), Two Sides Director, says, “The launch of Two Sides Australia is an important part of our on-going campaign to dispel the myths that surround the sustainability of paper and print. So much misinformation abounds about our industry and Two Sides continues to combat these perceptions in a straightforward and honest way. Delivering our messages across different global markets”, says Eustace, “will add greatly to our reach and credibility.”

He continued, “There is real competition today for space in competing media channels. Print Media is of course suffering from the general economic situation but also, and unnecessarily, from misunderstandings about our industry’s great environmental performance. We have to get the message across that print and paper may be the sustainable way to communicate”.

Les Perrett, managing the early stage for Two Sides Australia, adds: “’Two Sides’ is the credible and effective voice for print and paper’s unique and positive story. Leveraging the awareness and momentum of a global initiative ‘adds up’ given our smaller market and after some previous admirable industry efforts were constrained by limited resources.”

“We have worked to appropriately tailor the international material and add regional information while much of the global conversation about print and paper’s sustainability and attractiveness remains universal. Our local industry and extended constituency now has access to a vast and dynamic repository of material and facts to underscore the great environmental story we are about to tell. We are set to go”

The increasingly familiar Two Sides identity featured prominently at the National Print Awards held in Melbourne on 20 April.

About Two Sides

Two Sides says: “Two Sides is a worldwide initiative by companies from the Graphic Communication Value Chain including forestry, pulp, paper, inks and chemicals, pre-press, press, finishing, publishing and printing. Our common goal is to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and dispel common environmental misconceptions by providing users with verifiable information on why print and paper is an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium.”