UserGen, launched by video specialist Video Direct, gives publishers the ability to run user generated video competitions online for their display advertisers. The application encourages readers to create entertaining or informative video, photo and text content which other readers can then vote and comment on. Content can be shared across social media networks and a Google Maps feature also allows readers to see where other entries have come from.
Bespoke video competition designs can be created for display advertisers in a matter of days. Readers then simply register, using their Facebook login if appropriate, before uploading video, still images or audio content to enter. Entries can also be shared on Facebook and Twitter with the display advertisers pre-roll video hardwired into them.
“It’s a bit like hosting a party on your website; almost everyone’s now snapping pictures, recording video and creating content to share online. UserGen will help magazines and their display advertisers run entertaining promotions that appeal to today’s socially networked readers.” said Richard Counsell, Managing Director, Video Direct. “The next billion people to come online will do so through mobile; that’s a lot of people with cameras and a great opportunity for magazines and their advertisers.”
A typical Usergen competition runs for 12 weeks to allow for eight weeks of entries and four weeks for judging. On closing, entrant’s data can be used by the promoter for future marketing use, such as sampling activity.
UserGen is aimed at helping publishers generate video revenue from display advertisers. It joins Video Direct’s existing portfolio of video services and technology which creates revenue for publisher’s classified ad sales teams.
About Video Direct
Video Direct says: “Video Direct helps publishers and exhibition organisers make money from online video. Clients include IPC Media, Bauer Media, Centaur, UBM and EMAP. Through clever use of technology and a network of 400 professional film makers, Video Direct aims to provide its partners’ advertisers and exhibitors with access to affordable online video production services and the targeted media channels on which to promote them.”