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YUDU takes the green route

YUDU has announced plans to migrate the company’s cloud infrastructure to PEER 1 Hosting’s Building 5000, which, it says, is the United Kingdom’s most power-efficient datacenter.

Located in Portsmouth the new datacenter will be 95% more efficient than YUDU’s current server house. YUDU will also move its London office to ‘GreenWorks,’ a revolutionary building with experimental green spaces and vegetable gardens. Both steps reinforce YUDU’s commitment to providing clients with environmentally friendly solutions and reducing finite resource consumption, says the company.   

“It is a non-trivial move,” said Richard Stephenson (pictured), CEO of YUDU, “but the benefit to the environment means we are prepared to go through with this migration. We’re excited to occupy a brand new datacenter and provide our customers with brand new servers.”

By migrating to a datacenter with a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) rating of 1.1, YUDU will achieve power-efficiency on par with Apple, Google, Yahoo!, and HP’s most advanced server farms. This drive to minimize power usage expands YUDU’s existing efforts to reduce carbon output and paper usage. 

Building 5000 is the world’s first datacenter to offer the Excool cooling system, which uses a super-efficient heat exchange procedure, low-energy fans, and water atomizers to consume 95% less energy than mechanical systems, accounting for only 4% of the building’s total energy consumption. The new datacenter will provide industry-leading up-time, redundancy, and security while helping YUDU’s clients reduce their carbon footprint and meet stricter environmental regulations.

YUDU’s move to the new GreenWorks office in London also positions the company among a handful of organizations willing to pursue the most cutting edge practices in urban renewal. GreenWorks incorporates biotechnology with passive environment control systems to reduce energy consumption, improve citywide air quality, and cultivate urban produce. The GreenWorks office will boast green credentials comparable to YUDU’s Clitheroe headquarters, which is powered strictly by wind and solar energy.

Digital publishing platforms have also contributed to steep reductions in paper usage, says YUDU. Indeed, RISI, an information provider for the forest products industry, expects paper usage in the publishing sectors to drop 12% to 21% between 2010 and 2015.

YUDU clients such as Virgin Holidays, Reader’s Digest, Harper Collins, and Random House have scaled back their circulation of print materials after finding success on smartphones, tablets, and computers. Accordign to YUDU, the environmental benefits are substantial: an EU report found that the digitization of a 32-page newsletter with a print run of 70,000 saves 3,226 trees, 134 tons of paper, 3,763,000 litres of water (994,132 gallons), 269 barrels of oil, 551,040 kW hours of electricity, and 18, 873 kg (41,608 lbs) of industrial waste.

About YUDU Media

YUDU says: “YUDU is a digital publishing support service provider, offering the YUDU Cloud Publishing Platform, which enables digital publishing for iOS, Android, Windows and Web. YUDU is a trademark of YUDU Media Corp. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.”