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ZOO launch Android App

Lads’ mag ZOO, has launched an Android app - ZOO Roller Girl.

The ZOO team, led by Editor Damien McSorley and supported by Adam Gold, Associate Editor - Men's Digital and Caroline Young, Digital Business Manager - Mobile and Tablet, worked with mobile developers Mobikats to produce the game. Mobikats have also helped create iPhone apps for other Bauer Media brands including Empire, MCN and Parkers.

Each of the 15 themed levels in the game involves rolling a different object around the screen - from a football to a bar of soap - clearing frosted glass to gradually reveal a ZOO model. A global league table will collect the fastest times.

Damien commented: "This has been designed to be a fun gaming app and by launching it on the Android, we are tapping into a hugely popular trend on a growing platform. ZOO Roller Girl will provide another valuable route - beyond print and online - to engage and entertain our audiences." 

ZOO Roller Girl is available for £1.49 from the Android app store.