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Publishing Services Directory

Software - Production

6 suppliers in this category.

alfa Media Partner

We provide software solutions for media organisations from front end news gathering, content management, multi-media advertising booking systems, advert production workflow and pre-press workflow.

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Evolved Media

Our technology is sophisticated, fast and reliable, which means your business and your creative teams can rely on robust, proven solutions that deliver performance and keep on delivering performance every day.

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Intelligent Flatplan

Our digital flatplans provide a ‘single point of truth’ throughout the production process, foster a collaborative working environment and encourage efficient teamwork.

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Media Systems

All businesses, be they publishers, corporates, agencies or brands, have to deal with content in one form or another and our solutions are there to help ensure that the processes involved are as efficient as possible.

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Paperman is the complete paper management suite designed for publishers, printers and paper suppliers.

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We specialise in workflow, automation and efficiency savings for the creation and management of media products driven by our extensive digital asset management platform.

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