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100 and counting

In today’s publishing climate, every milestone must be celebrated. InPublishing magazine is about to be 100 issues old…

By James Evelegh

100 and counting

The upcoming May / June issue of InPublishing magazine (which you can register to receive here) will be our 100th issue. Hooray! Being a bi-monthly, it has taken us almost seventeen years to get here.

Issue # 1 (Nov / Dec 2003) of InCirculation (as we were then known; we changed the name in 2008) had the following cover story, written by Dominic Jacquesson, ‘Unlocking the potential of online subs: 10 ways of generating new revenue streams from your publications’ internet presence’.

It also featured advertising from a number of industry partners who are still valued customers today: Air Business, Atex, Circdata, Gordon & Gotch, PCS Publishing, Publishing Software Company, Quadrant Subscription Services (now part of Air Business) and UKP Worldwide.

Some of the things we’ve learnt along the way:

  1. A magazine on its own is not enough. In 2003, we thought it might be! Since then, like other publishers, we've made the print magazine the heart of a much wider offering, including website, newsletter, webinars, guides and events.
  2. Advertising alone is not enough. You’ve got to explore ways of building reader revenues, like, in our case, selling expert guides.
  3. Avoid a box ticking approach. Launching a new service simply because everyone else is doing it, but without giving it the due care and consideration it needs, is a recipe for under-achievement.
  4. Mobile-optimisation is now a minimum design requirement. We used to have one of those websites which required you to “pinch-out” to be able to read it properly on your smartphone.
  5. Digital is a large part of our future, but not the only part. Print retains a magic that is hard to beat. I recall a contributor to the magazine saying, not too long ago, that “nothing beats a print byline”.

By my calculation, issue # 200 should start hitting desks on Monday 2 February 2037. Who knows what the publishing world, indeed the world, will look like then?

Our first issue...