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ABC issues Content Verification certificates

ABC UK has issued the first ever public certificates of capability to four Content Verification (CV) tools across 10 performance indicators.

The certificates provide a new level of transparency in the abilities of CV technology in response to advertisers’ demands for greater confidence in the online trading process.

ABC rigorously tested the ability of Content Verification products to block or report, in real time, the serving of an online advertisement onto destinations that have been defined as inappropriate to the advertiser’s campaign.

Inappropriate content, in this context, refers to any words deemed by the advertiser to be unsuitable for a campaign, including brand conflicting content. As the buying process becomes increasingly automated and trading methods develop, the certification of CV tools to industry standards will deliver advertisers’ needs for transparency.

ABC has this week issued certificates for the following Content Verification products:

• AdSafe Brand Safety Firewall from AdSafe Media Ltd

•  Project Sunblock Proxy Mode from Inc

• Emediate SiteScreen from Emediate ApS

• comScore vCE Validation (formerly adXpose) from comScore

Bob Wootton, Director of Media and Advertising, ISBA commented: “Safe placement of advertising online is vital for our members which is why ABC's independent verification of CV product capability is such a welcome development. Advertisers need to be reassured that the technology they put their trust in applies principles to minimise the risk of misplacement.”

Richard Foan, Group Executive Director of Communication and Innovation said: “Advertisers really do want to make the most of digital advertising and that investment will grow quicker as the level of trust grows. Clarity that CV technology really does reduce the risk for a brand campaign is exactly what advertisers have asked us to deliver and our work will continue as our industry evolves.”

In addition ABC has announced that as of May 30th 2012 Doubleverify. Inc. has committed to ABC's CV verification process. Oren Netzer said: "We are committed to working with ABC and JICWEBS verification standards in the UK, and look forward to beginning the certification process."

In 2011 ABC was asked by JICWEBS to review the capabilities of CV products in order to deliver greater transparency to the industry in terms of the role played by CV technology in reducing the risk of misplaced advertising. Eight organisations submitted their products for an interim review against criteria agreed by JICWEBS. Since the interim report the industry standards have been refined. The certificates released this week are based on the refined standards.

About ABC

ABC says: “ABC is governed by the media industry, for the media industry and is the expert at setting data and process standards across multiple platforms. ABC provides a stamp of trust for media buyers, media owners, publishers and digital traders working in existing and emerging platforms.

The ABC Board consists of 16 media owners, media agencies, advertisers and trade body members – with 25 per cent of the Board representing the digital sector. The Board make strategic decisions as to how ABC is run and each industry sector is represented by a Reporting Standards Group.

ABC was established in the UK in 1931 and is a founder member of the International Federation of ABCs (IFABC), of which ABC CEO Jerry Wright is President. ABC’s digital arm was established in 1996 and was united with ABC under one brand with a new identity and integrated structure in March 2011. ABC works to deliver common international standards for measuring digital reach, engagement and loyalty, as well as creating common standards for good practice throughout the industry.”