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Adestra launches Customer Charter

Adestra has launched the Adestra Customer Charter and claims to be the first Email Service Provider [ESP] with such a customer charter.

Adestra says: Not only does this demonstrate the company’s focus to be the most customer-centred ESP, but the clear and open Customer Charter details the standards of service it aims to provide clients and shows the best channels for communication with the management and support teams.

The Adestra Customer Charter clearly differentiates the company from others in the email marketing sector. With many players ‘obsessed’ with the technology side of things, Adestra is taking a more holistic, customer-centred approach by formalising the commitment to service levels, which is based on continual improvement.

Adestra is already highly respected by its client base and throughout the email marketing industry, a fact borne out by their high retention rate of 98.7%. The Customer Charter builds on this and shows customers what to expect.

Henry Hyder-Smith, MD at Adestra, explains: “The Adestra team has always believed customer service to be paramount, and our Customer Charter goes a step further, formalising the process of interfacing with clients and detailing the standards of service we are aiming for.

“By introducing the Customer Charter this shows clients how we value them and means we are completely open and up-front, so they know what to expect.”

At Adestra, the team seeks to provide the highest possible levels of customer support and intelligent, innovative consultation. They recognise that their clients have the right to expect a fair, efficient and polite service from Adestra that meets their needs.

The Customer Charter is based on direct feedback from clients on what is important to them. The company is committed to making sure that all employees keep to the principles of high quality customer service. It accepts that it may have some work to do to achieve all of these, but it will be open with clients about its progress and any improvements made.

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