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Archant launches media auctions for The New European

Archant has announced that it is opening up commercial space on The New European for a number of media auctions, on the back of the pop up newspaper’s extended publication run.

Archant will invite media agencies and brands directly to participate in a secure online auction for advertising space in the new paper, which was delivered to market faster than any other British newspaper in history in just nine days, says the company.

The auctions will be run in participation with and Mediaforce.

Commercial partners will have the opportunity to bid on space including full page adverts and sponsorship of the What’s On In Europe and weather guide at the centre spread.

The auctions will start on 11 August, running through until 16 August, with participants able to bid for space in the 19 August issue.

In addition, agencies and brands will also be able to bid for a full takeover of the issue on sale 26 August.

Craig Nayman, Chief Commercial Officer at Archant, said: “We are incredibly proud of the impact The New European has had and we are reflecting its innovation in our commercial offering. Pop up publishing provides different opportunities for the media buying community to embrace a new business model. We look forward to working with partners who would like to explore this type of commercial partnership, whilst engaging with the valuable audience The New European offers."

Archant has confirmed it will continue to publish The New European on a rolling basis after the initial four-week run. Its distribution has also been extended to Europe, targeting key cities initially including Brussels, Paris, Strasbourg and Berlin, as well as Northern Ireland. This is in addition to moving in to Scotland and Wales from the 22nd July edition.