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Archant wins second Green Apple Award

Archant staff are reaping the fruits of their labours after being awarded a second Green Apple Award in recognition of a continuing commitment to sustainability.

The company was awarded a second gold apple, the highest achievement and the only one given in the print section of the awards, for the 20 4 12 campaign – 20 actions in four key areas of energy, water, business miles and office paper – which all staff have been urged to take part in.

Greg Parton (pictured), Archant’s head of procurement and sustainability attended the award ceremony at the House of Commons in London with Archant’s sustainability correspondent Tara Greaves.

He said: “We are thrilled to receive a second Green Apple and especially another gold award. This year we have particularly concentrated on making staff feel more involved with sustainability through the 20 4 12 campaign.”

Originally launched in 1994 by the Green Organisation, the independent awards for environmental best practice recognise schemes in the UK and internationally.

The second Green Apple follows on from Archant winning the Environment Award (corporate) in the 2012 Newspaper Awards and being highly commended in the Professional Publishers Association (PPA) environment awards.