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Architects’ Journal launches iPad edition

The Architects’ Journal, the weekly architecture publication launched in 1895, has announced the launch of its first ever iPad edition, now available for download in the App Store.

The launch is a not only a landmark moment for this historic title, it makes The Architects’ Journal the first weekly architecture title to use the Adobe DPS platform favoured by magazines such as Wired, say the publishers.

The app features interactive floorplans and technical drawings, pinch and zoom, bonus photography and video, improving upon the title’s long tradition in print.

Christine Murray, Editor, The Architects’ Journal, said: “This is a landmark moment in more than a century of publishing for the AJ. Brought to you by the same team that designs the AJ in print, and built with the same software used to create iPad magazines such as Wired, we’ve worked hard to craft an edition that is in keeping with the AJ’s tradition and style, while making the most of the additional features offered by this new platform.  The navigation follows a few simple rules. As for interactivity, we’ve lavished the most attention, rightly, on the building studies, which include interactive floorplans and technical drawings, bonus photography, maps and video.  Pinch and zoom into photography or drawings for more detail; tap annotations to view their location on the drawings, or tap the numbers on the drawings to highlight their annotation. We believe we’ve created a great new way to enjoy the AJ every week, well-designed, well-researched and created for architects.”