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At a Glance: The Glamour 21st Century Woman Study

Glamour recently undertook its biggest-ever research project in Britain, unearthing several fascinating trends in the media consumption habits of the UK's women.

The findings of the 21st Century Woman Report emphasise the importance of monthly glossy magazines, with the vast majority of women polled still buying them regularly.

Conducted in June and July this year Glamour polled just under 4,000 women aged 16-40, using the YouGov panel of over 350,000 to reach respondents.

All of the women readers or users of at least one of the following magazine brands across multiple platforms: Glamour, Marie Claire, Elle, Cosmopolitan, In Style, Look and Grazia.

Key findings at a glance

• Monthly magazines are regarded as 50% more influential than weekly magazines, TV and magazine websites

• Glossy monthly magazines are the most trustworthy source of information for women

• 79% visit magazine websites and more than a fifth visit those sites every other day

• Glossy magazines are over 3.5 times more trusted than TV and nearly 6 times more trusted than celebrity endorsements

• 42% of women are also using magazine apps

Trust and Influence

• Monthly magazines are regarded as 50% more influential than weekly magazines, TV and magazine websites.

• Monthlies are almost three times more powerful than free magazines and supplements.

• 55% of women are still tearing features from glossy magazines for inspiration and that figure rises to 59% for the over 30’s.

• Glossy monthly magazines are the most trustworthy source of information, according to women.

• They are also considered by 78% to be ‘more inspiring’ than any other medium.

• When it comes to trusted influences, magazines are second only to direct recommendations from friends.

• Magazines are rated twice as powerful as recommendations and comments made on social networking sites.

• They are over 3.5 times more trusted than TV and nearly 6 times more trusted than celebrity endorsements.

Content consumption routes

• Of the women polled 97% currently read print magazines.

• Over a third read a print title at least once every couple of days.

• The survey found that 79% visit magazine websites and more than a fifth visit those sites every other day, at least.

• Magazine newsletters are growing in popularity and 59% of surveyed women had signed up to them.

• Of that number 16% receive a daily magazine newsletter and 50% receive one once a week.

• More than half have of those surveyed accessed digital editions of magazines.

• 42% of women are now also using magazine apps.

• Magazines also have reach via social media - 20% follow magazine brands on Facebook or Twitter and often accessing this content daily.