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August launches Algeta website

August has launched Algeta’s new website. Algeta (Oslo, Norway) is a fast-growing pharmaceutical company focused on developing novel targeted therapies for patients with cancer.

Following a competitive pitch, August was appointed to develop the corporate website as well as create Algeta’s Annual Report for 2012, reflecting the company’s transition into a strong global player in cancer therapies.

As well as migrating existing content through a purpose-built, modular CMS system, August created fresh, narrative content that complies with all necessary regulations while telling the company’s story in an engaging way.

Mark Lonergan, Managing Director, August said: “Algeta is a company with true global vision. The projects we have created together help position the business for an exciting future.”

Mike Booth, SVP Communications, Algeta, commented: “Working with the August team has been a pleasure from the start. The website and Annual Report the team has created for Algeta successfully reflect the Norwegian heritage of our business while highlighting our transition to a commercial enterprise.”