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BJP goes equity crowdfunding

British Journal of Photography has announced that it is raising funds by offering shares to its readers and followers via crowdfunding website CrowdCube.

BJP says it is seeking fresh investment to bring its archive - which spans over 160 years of content - to the public via the web. Over 180,000 pages, encompassing all of photographic history, have already been scanned and digitised.

It also plans to expand its online editorial coverage globally, to grow its programme of live events, and to enable photographers to sell their images to its international audience.

Equity crowdfunding allows BJP’s dedicated readership an opportunity to share in the future of a photographic institution, say the publishers.

Marc Hartog, CEO & Founder: “We have over 650,000 people who follow us on social media because they love what we do. We want to give them the chance to be a part of our future plans by offering them a share of the company. Crowdfunding has become mainstream in the short three years since starting our business, and this interesting new platform has created an opportunity for us to give our readers and followers the chance to invest in our profitable and growing business, and to own a piece of photographic history from as little as £10."