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BJP wins in LA

British Journal of Photography was named Photography Magazine of the Year at this week’s Lucie Awards.

Dubbed “the Oscars of photography”, the Lucies honour the greatest achievements in photography, presenting awards in categories ranging from Book Publisher of the Year to Lifetime Achievement, recognising talents such as Elliott Erwitt, Sebastião Salgado and William Klein.

This week, the Lucies celebrated their 10th anniversary at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, home of the Golden Globe Awards, naming BJP the Photography Magazine of the Year ahead of four other nominees – FOAM (The Netherlands), Aperture (USA), Zoom (Italy) and Nueva Luz Photographic Journal (USA).

Alinka Echeverria, whose work featured on BJP’s June cover, accepted the award on behalf of the magazine. She also collected the award for International Photographer of the Year.

"This is the cherry on the cake after a remarkable 36 months in which we turned the magazine around, relaunching it as a beautifully designed monthly and then introducing our award-winning iPad app, and now our app for the iPhone" says BJP's editor Simon Bainbridge. "I’m really proud of what our small team has achieved – innovating our way through these hard times – and it’s great that we’ve been recognised for that, especially as this award comes from our peers."