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BrightRoll publishes second annual video survey

BrightRoll, a leading provider of digital video advertising solutions, has released its 2012 UK Video Advertising Report.

The second annual survey gathers insight from more than 100 top decision makers and media buyers at leading UK advertising agencies and shares their unique perspective of the UK video advertising landscape.

Last year’s inaugural survey found that digital video was gaining momentum among UK advertisers and the 2012 survey confirms digital video is on a continued path for rapid growth. More than 82 percent of the UK web population watch online video and 65 percent of the UK online video audience is exposed to video ads each month, according to comScore. As consumers watch more video online, and with the demonstrated shift towards mobile, UK advertisers realise the opportunity video provides to reach audiences where they are increasingly engaged.

The BrightRoll survey asked UK respondents to compare the effectiveness of video to other channels: 87 percent agree video is equally or more effective than display, while more than half (52 percent) believe video is equally or more effective than TV. When it comes to inventory, 41 percent of UK advertisers are most inclined to buy video from a broadcaster, while 22 percent are most likely to buy from an ad network. Ad networks are also key inventory sources in the US and Canada, as indicated in similar BrightRoll surveys conducted earlier this year.

These surveys have also shown that reaching a highly targeted audience continues to be a key benefit of digital video for global advertisers. In the UK, more than half of all survey respondents (53 percent) cite targeting as the most valuable aspect of online video for clients. Demographic targeting (35 percent) is the preferred technique among UK advertisers, followed by behavioural targeting (25 percent). These results differ in the US and Canada where the majority of respondents prefer behavioural targeting.

Additional key findings from the UK Video Advertising Report include:

• 52 percent of UK advertisers expect mobile to have the largest overall increase in media spend in 2013.

• As UK budgets shift to mobile and online, advertisers are clear about the need for stronger success metrics – 29 percent want better campaign measurement tools, 22 percent would like to see research around the GRP comparison to TV, and 17 percent want research on proven ROI.

• When it comes to digital video ad spend, 44 percent of advertisers cite CPV as the most important metric, compared to just 17 percent in 2011.

• More than 90 percent of UK advertisers believe research around the efficacy of digital video provides value to the client, even though only 30 percent have conducted research.

“As the opportunity for digital video continues to grow in the UK, there’s a clear need to increase education about advanced targeting and research,” said Daryl McNutt, SVP marketing and research at BrightRoll. “At BrightRoll we’re committed to helping our customers take advantage of the power of video, and with the UK survey, we are helping advertisers understand how to build stronger brands and connect with audiences at scale.”

BrightRoll began conducting annual agency surveys in 2009, releases reports in the US and Canada, and for the second year, in the UK.

You can request a full copy of the 2012 UK Video Advertising Report here.

About BrightRoll

BrightRoll say: “BrightRoll is the world’s leading provider of digital video advertising solutions. The company has access to billions of monthly digital video impressions across the globe through its network and exchange (BRX). The company enables advertisers to execute smart digital video advertising across the web, mobile and connected TV landscape. Proprietary buying technology, combined with full site disclosure and flexible targeting provides BrightRoll network and exchange customers with the reach, frequency and scalability needed to achieve campaign goals. The company provides publishers with access to the industry’s largest video marketplace to maximize monetization of their inventory. BrightRoll is a privately held, venture-backed company headquartered in San Francisco, California.”