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BusinessGreen launches paid for content site

Incisive Media has launched a “ground breaking” service for readers of BusinessGreen, which will see the brand take its first step towards paid for content.

BusinessGreen, the news and analysis website for environmentally responsible executives, last week unveiled BusinessGreen Plus, offering subscribers new-in depth content and full, unhindered access to an archive of thousands of stories.

Daily news will remain freely available to ensure as many people as possible are kept abreast of developments in the green economy, says Incisive.

The move marks a major step forward for Incisive Media as it is the very first ‘born on the web’ brand to implement a paywall. Incisive Media also believes BusinessGreen Plus is unique in the UK. Few, if any, brands without historical print products are launching a paid for content service, says the company.

Launching the service, James Murray, editor of BusinessGreen (pictured), said the move would help to ensure the continued success of the brand.

“This is not a decision we have taken lightly,” he said. “But in return for access to an array of richer, highly informative and exclusive in-depth content, all of which requires investment to deliver, we are asking our loyal readers to make a small financial contribution to support BusinessGreen's continued development.

“We like to think we play a role in informing and promoting the green economy, but we do need support from our readers if we are to continually improve our ability to play this crucial role.”

As an example of the new service, BusinessGreen Plus last week kicked with a series of features on how to develop an effective climate risk strategy, an in-depth analysis of why businesses want to see the government properly analyse resource shortages, an exclusive interview with author and campaigner Tony Juniper, and a series of investigations on how Iceland is emerging as a low carbon economy to watch.

The first BusinessGreen Plus subscribers have already signed up and over 1,000 readers have taken out a free month-long trial of the new service.

“This really is a seminal moment for BusinessGreen,” said Alan Loader, publisher of Incisive Media’s BusinessGreen and CRN brands. “Converting a loyal and important audience to become paid subscribers will only secure its long terms future and prevent it being solely reliant on the cyclical beasts of advertising and sponsorship.”

Users can trial the new BusinessGreen Plus service for free, while a year's subscription costs £399, which works out at less than £1.10 a day. A special NGO rate means charities and other third sector organisations can sign up to the service for £299 a year.

A launch offer means anyone taking out a subscription over the next three months can take advantage of a special offer price of £349.

All members also receive priority invites to all BusinessGreen roundtables, breakfast briefings and networking events, as well as special rates for BusinessGreen Leaders Awards tickets and its new BusinessGreen Intelligence reports.

Organisations can also become BusinessGreen Plus corporate members, allowing groups of five or more people access to BusinessGreen Plus content and services. Priced from £999, a year's corporate BusinessGreen Plus membership also gives organisation’s the opportunity to host and promote blog posts on BusinessGreen, and offers access to special rates for advertising, sponsorship and lead generation activity.