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Dennis launches adnostic

Dennis Publishing claims to have become the first publisher to launch a stand-alone digital production agency, adnostic.

According to Dennis Publishing: The new division will be run separately to Dennis Publishing, but draws on the expertise and knowledge that the publisher has gained in the interactive advertising solution market.

adnostic provides a complete multi-platform advertising build solution for tablet magazine and newspaper apps and offers informed advice and consultancy on the most successful interactive content. In 2012, Dennis ran over 300 interactive ad pages across its portfolio, more than any other publisher. With longer dwell times, learn-back engagement and the opportunity for direct response, this model is proving more and more popular with advertisers. adnostic takes this learning one step further, providing a consultation and production service to agencies, advertisers and publishers alike.

adnostic is part of Dennis Enterprise, Dennis Publishing’s entrepreneurial arm. Fronted by Head Of Commercial Partnerships, Jonathan Kitchen, adnostic combines the vast amount of publishing experience available at Dennis with acute user understanding needed to create bespoke interactive ads. adnostic can build and deliver interactive advertising solutions for multiple publishing platforms and multiple devices.

Jonathan Kitchen, said: “The idea is that we produce a full service that can be used by clients, agencies and other publishers. We’ve learnt a lot in the last two years about digital and tablet advertising, and seen some huge successes. Our aim now is to extend those learnings outside of Dennis and provide clients with innovative, engaging and fully trackable ad content, which will work seamlessly across multiple platforms and devices. We are constantly looking at new publishing platforms and technologies to ensure any advertising build will be compatible with the latest trends.”

The advertising production offering also includes (if needed) a full set of publishing creative resources including content creation, film and photography on top of the bespoke app build.

“This is a really exciting time for us”, continues Kitchen, “as an independent agency division of Dennis, we are a unique, first-to-market offering that truly demonstrates how a publisher can develop and grow through digital innovation.”

adnostic is already working with advertisers such as Ford, Volvo, Remington, J.P. Morgan and Jaguar and is in partnership with Sport magazine to provide its iPad ad solutions.